
Welcome To Benchmarx Academy

Two school friends, one working with Morgan Stanley as Senior Analyst and the other working with Capita as an Assistant Manager ,  would spend their weekends doing what they loved to do, Teaching! After teaching CA, CFA and CS, for a span of 3 years, at various coaching institutes, they decided to start a coaching institute of their own! Benchmarx Academy was born. What started as a small classroom in a Garage, now caters to Chartered Accountancy course for all 3 levels.


Professor Bhavik Chokshi (Rankholder CA.CS.CFA.DIP IFRS)

Bhavik Chokshi is a rank holder Chartered Accountant with ALL INDIA 41ST RANK in CA Final. He has also completed Company Secretary Course (with an ALL INDIA 21st RANK), CFA (USA) and Dip. IFRS (ACCA) in the first attempt. He has more than 10000 hours of overall teaching experience.

Bhavik Chokshi has previously worked with Investment Banking division of Morgan Stanley and JM Financial where he was responsible for Private Equity Placement, Capital Market transaction and M&A advisory across Auto & Auto Ancillary, Information Technology, Healthcare and Consumer Sectors.

Bhavik Chokshi is a regular visiting faculty at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) for their flagship MBA Finance course.

He is an avid backpack traveller and is also a State Level Open Water Swimmer.

Professor Ankush Bhide (CA.CS)

Ankush Bhide is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a Company Secretary, clearing all the examinations in the first attempt. He has more than 7000 hours of teaching experience.

Ankush has previously worked in the Financial Planning and Strategy division of Capita Ltd., a reputed UK based MNC, where he was a part of the Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Control Teams. Ankush has also advised and built products for business process automation at Capita. He has also worked with a leading tax firm obtaining
extensive experience in the field of Audit, Tax and ESOP

Apart from teaching, Ankush loves traveling and has done bike trips across Himalayas and South India.

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